
Thanks for discovering my website! I’m Yukitty from Japan!
I hope this website will help you study Japanese to watch anime or Japanese content without subtitles as much as possible.
Let’s start from here!

How can I study Japanese to watch anime without English subtitles?

I recommend that you follow the steps below.

Memorize Hiragana and Katakana

At first, you should memorize Hiragana and Katakana which are Japanese alphabets, it greatly accelerates your understanding of Japanese.

Understand basic grammar

Next, you don’t have to learn Kanji yet. The needed thing is to understand the basic grammar of Japanese. It helps your understanding of anime scripts. Because almost all Japanese grammatical words are written in Hiragana.

Watch Japanese content with subtitles

Finally, I recommend that you really watch Japanese content with subtitles (Japanese subtitles are better if you can) and gradually increase the sentences, vocabulary, and Kanji that you can understand.
On this website, I break down and introduce the sentences actually used in the anime, vtubers, news, etc.

STEP1 Memorize Hiragana and Katakana

STEP2 Understand basic grammar


and more…

STEP3 Watch Japanese content with subtitles


and more…