I talked about English mistakes that Japanese people tend to make. Anyway, Korone’s English is very adorable.
【HOLO ENGLISH LESSON #02】Kusogaki No Eikaiwa! Let’s Speak English! ft. Gura, La+, Iroha https://youtu.be/X492n37brRU
【English only!】日本語を喋ったらダメなマリオ【Super Mario Bros.】
【ころね視点】 日本語と英語で爆弾解除に挑戦する2人【Calliope Mori COLLAB】
Earth is アース(is a similar sound to “ass”) in Japanglish, and she thought it was English.
Earth is 地球 in Japanese.
Foreign words are expressed in katakana in Japanese.
Almost all English words were pronounced differently when they were first katakanaized a long time ago.
Because of this we still have trouble pronouncing English.
She is one of the victims too.
She wanted to say 水の中に火, Fire in the water.
And 反転したCの中に穴, Hole in the inverted C.
The word order is often reversed in English and Japanese,
especially when indicating the positional relationship of objects.
Many Japanese YouTubers say…
In English, please subscribe to my channel and give me a thumbs up.
Although there are a number of newly developed Japanglish words in Japanese based on English,
many Japanese people cannot distinguish between English and Japanglish.
Other commonly used Japanglish includes…
I do not speak good English, but I make these videos as a native Japanese speaker.
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