Case Particles / が を に で へ と から まで より

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Types and roles of case particles

が / を / に / で / へ / と / から / まで / より

Particles are attached to the end of nouns to indicate the relationships between words.
Word order is not important but case particles have important grammatical meanings.


In many cases, the meaning of a sentence does not change even if the word order is unnatural.
However, if the case particles are used incorrectly, the meaning of the sentence will change drastically, so please be careful.

が / ga

が has the following 2 roles as a Case Particle

The subject of state/action

e.g. いぬあるいています。

A dog is walking. / Dogs are walking.

いぬ [noun] dog
あるく [verb] walk
ています [auxiliary verb] be ___ing

The Japanese language does not distinguish singular and plural.
To emphasize the plurality of a word, add “ら”, “たち”, etc. after the word.

The object of state (with adjectives)

e.g. (わたしは)いぬきです。

I like dogs. (わたしは” is omitted.)

き [na-adjective] like
わたし [noun] I, myself

The “わたしは” is usually omitted. If not omitted, “わたしは” becomes an emphatic nuance.

By the way, は is a topic marker.
Nouns of Japanese aren’t distinguished as singular and plural.

が has the following 4 other roles

These が can be replaced with けど


e.g. (わたしは)いぬきだねこきじゃない。

I like dogs, but I don’t like cats.

ねこ [noun] cat

Contradictory conjunction (but, however, etc.)

e.g. さがしたつからなかった。

I looked for it, but could not find it. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

さがす [verb] look for, search
つかる [verb] find

Preface to a talk

e.g. 今日きょう授業じゅぎょうですが体調たいちょうわるいので欠席けっせきします。

Assertion modality だ or です is needed. (normally です is used)

Regarding today’s class, I am not feeling well and will not be attending. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

今日きょう [noun] today
授業じゅぎょう [noun] class, lesson, teaching
体調たいちょう [noun] (body) condition
わるい [i-adjective] bad
欠席けっせき [noun] absence


e.g. 否定ひていしません

I don’t deny that. (but I think…)

否定ひていする [verb] deny, negate

を / wo

を has 3 roles below.

The object of the action (with a verb)

e.g. ほんみます。

I read books. (“私は” is omitted.) / I read a book.

ほん [noun] book
む [verb] read

The Japanese language does not distinguish singular and plural.

Transit point

e.g. はしわたります。

I cross a bridge. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

はし [noun] bridge
わたる [verb] cross

Starting point

e.g. 学校がっこうます。

I leave school. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

学校がっこう [noun] school
る [verb] leave, get out

に / ni

に has 8 roles below.

Location of existence/possession

e.g. 公園こうえんベンチがあります。

There is a bench in the park. / There are benches in the park.

公園こうえん [noun] park
ベンチ [noun] bench

The Japanese language does not distinguish singular and plural.

e.g. かれいもうとがいます。

He has a younger sister. / He has younger sisters.

彼 [noun] he
妹 [noun] younger sister
いる [verb] exist, be (for creatures)

The Japanese language does not distinguish singular and plural.


e.g. 9かえります。

I’ll be back at 9 o’clock. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

かえる [verb] go back, go home, return

Japanese has only past or non-past tenses.
The present or future tense is determined by context and situation.

Destination / Arrival point

e.g. えきかいます。

I head for the station. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

えき [noun] train/subway station
かう [verb] head for, toward, go

e.g. 電車でんしゃります。

I will take the train. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

電車でんしゃ [noun] train
る [verb] get on, mount, take, board, ride

Japanese has only past or non-past tenses.
The present or future tense is determined by context and situation.

The target of action

e.g. かれチョコをあげます。

I will give him chocolate. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

チョコ/チョコレート [noun] chocolate
あげる [verb] give, raise, up

Japanese has only past or non-past tenses.
The present or future tense is determined by context and situation.

Source of action

e.g. 上司じょうしわれました。

I was told by my boss. (“わたしは” and “わたしの” are omitted.)

上司じょうし [noun] boss
われる(う+れる) [verb+auxiliary verb] be told, be said, be called

Same meaning as 上司から言われました。

Purpose of moving

e.g. きます。

I am going to see it. (“わたしは” and “それを” are omitted.)

る [verb] see, watch, look
く [verb] go

Comparison criterion

e.g. かれタンジロウています。

He resembles Tanjiro.

ている(る+いる) [verb(Te-form)+auxiliary verb] resemble

Cause / Result

e.g. 理解りかいくるしみます。

It is difficult to understand. (I am troubled to understand.)

理解りかい [noun] understanding
くるしむ [verb] be troubled, suffer

で / de

で has 4 roles below.

Location of action

e.g. 学校がっこう勉強べんきょうします。

I study at school. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

学校がっこう [noun] school
勉強べんきょう [noun] study

Method / Tool / Ingredient / Material

e.g. 鉛筆えんぴつきます。

I write with a pencil. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

鉛筆えんぴつ [noun] pencil
く [verb] write

e.g. そのはしたけできています。

The chopsticks are made of bamboo.

はし [noun] chopsticks
たけ [noun] bamboo
できている(できる+いる) [verb(Te-form)+auxiliary verb] be made of

Same meaning as その箸は竹からできています。

Quantity / Volume / Time limit

e.g. 全力ぜんりょくはしります。

I will run at full power. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

全力ぜんりょく [noun] full power
はしる [verb] run

e.g. 1時間じかんきます。

It will arrive in 1 hour.

時間じかん [noun] hour, time
く [verb] arrive

Reason / Cause

e.g. 故障こしょう使つかえません。

It cannot be used due to a malfunction. (“それは” is omitted.)

故障こしょう [noun] malfunction
使つかえる [verb] can be used

へ / e

へ has 2 roles below.

Direction / Arrival point

e.g. 東京とうきょうきます。

I’m going to Tokyo. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

東京とうきょう [noun] Tokyo
く [verb] go

Same meaning as 東京行きます。


e.g. 彼女かのじょメールします。

I will email her. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

メールする [verb] email

Same meaning as 彼女メールします。
The beginning of the letter must be used へ. e.g. “ねずこへ” means “To Nezuko”.

と / to

と is often translated to “and” or “with”.

と has the following 3 roles as a Case Particle


e.g. いぬあるきます。

I will walk with the dog. (“わたしは” is omitted.)


e.g. かれこういました。

He said let’s go.

言う [verb] say

e.g. こうおもいます。

I think I will go. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

おもう [verb] think

“思う”, “判断する”, “決める” etc. quotations are valid for oneself.


e.g. 彼女かのじょおなじものをいました。

I bought the same one as her. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

おなじ [Na-adjective] same
う [verb] buy

と has the following 1 other role

Connect multiple nouns

e.g. りんごバナナべます。

I will eat apples and bananas. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

りんご [noun] apple
バナナ [noun] banana

ゆっくりと、どさっと、がっしりと、さくっと、きらっと、etc. are onomatopeias.
Do not be misled.

から / kara

から is often translated to “from”.

から has the following 4 roles as a Case Particle

Starting point

e.g. アメリカからました。

I came from America. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

アメリカ [noun] America
る [verb] come

e.g. そのみせ9からいています。

The store is open from 9 o’clock.

みせ [noun] store, shop
く [verb] open


e.g. かれからカバンをもらいました。

I got this bag from him. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

カバン [noun] bag
もらう [verb] get, receive, have

Same meaning as 彼にカバンをもらいました。

Ingredients / Materials

e.g. チーズは牛乳ぎゅうにゅうからつくられます。

Cheese is made from milk.

チーズ [noun] cheese
牛乳ぎゅうにゅう [noun] milk
つくる [verb] make

Cause of thing

e.g. 不注意ふちゅういから怪我けがをしました。

I was injured due to carelessness. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

不注意ふちゅうい [noun] carelessness
怪我けが [noun] injury

から has the following 3 other roles

Main clause and expression of intentions

e.g. うるさいから音楽おんがくめろ。

It’s too loud,(so) stop the music.

うるさい [i-adjective] noisy
音楽おんがく [noun] music
める [verb] stop

The modality for reason (ending particle)

e.g. いましあわせだから

Because I am happy now. (“わたしは” is omitted.)

いま [noun] now
しあわせ [noun, na-adjective] happiness, happy, fortunate

Weak reason

e.g. そこにあるから使つかってね。

It’s there, so use it.

そこ [noun] there
ある [verb] exist, being, there is
使つかう [verb] use

まで / made

まで has 1 role below.

まで is often translated to “to” or “up to”.

Limit of time/place/things

e.g. まつりは明日あしたまでやっています。

The festival is going on until tomorrow.

まつり [noun] festival
明日あした [noun] tomorrow
やる [verb] perform, execute, do, run, hold, play

e.g. 1000えんまで使つかっていいです。

You can use up to 1000 yen. (“あなたは” is omitted.)

使う [verb] use, consume

The “あなたは” is usually omitted. If not omitted, “あなたは” becomes an emphatic nuance.
So it sounds strong and a little rude.

より / yori

より has 2 roles below.

Sender / Starting point

e.g. タンジロウより

From Tanjiro. (End of letter)

Comparison (more than)

e.g. りんごはレモンより大きいです。

Apples are bigger than lemons.

りんご [noun] apple
レモン [noun] lemon
大きい [I-adjective] big, large


Put case particles in the underlined part.


I will go by bicycle.


I bought apples.


The store is open from 10:00 to 20:00.


I’m waiting at the station.


I’m going out with her.



コメント一覧 (1件)

  • This is a very thorough, organized, and intuitive breakdown. I have started studying Japanese with the goal of being able to read my favourite manga in their original language, and to watch anime and Vtubers. Even with a simple manga, particles are everywhere and I think this is an invaluable reference for getting used to how each of the case particles can be used. Thank you!


