Grammar– category –
Verb conjugation basics Verbs express the action or existence of things. All of the Japanese verbs end with a “u” sound. JapaneseHiraganaHow to readHow to read歩くあるくarukuwalk食べるたべるtaberueat来るくるkurucomeexamples for... -
Auxiliary verbs
Types and rolls of auxiliary verbs らしい / ようだ / みたいだ / そうだ / だろう / でしょう / はずだ / ちがいない / のだ / わけだ / べきだ / なければならない / いけない Auxiliary verbs work mainly as part of a predicate. Most of them expr... -
Demonstratives / これ それ あれ どれ
Types and roles of demonstratives これ / それ / あれ / どれ Demonstratives represent things, places, directions, etc.They are used to depend on whether what you want to indicate is near the speaker, near the listener, or far from both. T... -
Verb forms and conjugations
Verbs express the action or existence of things. All of the Japanese verbs end with a “u” sound. JapaneseHiraganaHow to readHow to read歩くあるくarukuwalk食べるたべるtaberueat来るくるkurucomeexamples for verbs Types of verbs In Japa... -
Adjective forms and conjugations
Types of adjectives Adjectives modify nouns and predicates or can be used for predicates.They represent the nature, state, emotions, sensations, etc. of the subject. In Japanese, there are 2 types of adjectives below. I-Adjective All of ... -
Case Particles / が を に で へ と から まで より Types and roles of case particles が / を / に / で / へ / と / から / まで / より Particles are attached to the end of nouns to indicate the relationships between words.Word order is not important but case p... -
There is A B. / AがBにあります。
How to say "There is A B." AがBにあります。 When pointing a living thing, います is used instead of あります。When you want to say only the existence of A, you can omit B.The postpositional particles "が" and "に" are important. They can... -
Modifier “の”
How to use the modifier "の" AのB の is a postpositional particle, it is simply put as a connector between 2 nouns."AのB" is often translated into English "B of A".The word before の qualifies the word after の. It has several types of m... -
A is not B. / AはBじゃないです。
How to say "A is not B" AはBじゃないです In English, the word for denial is "not". In Japanese, there are 2 variations "~ないです" and "~ありません".And they are changed by the type of predicate. The negative form of です is じゃないで... -
Is A B? / A は B ですか?
How to say "Is A B?" in Japanese A は B ですか? To make a question sentence, add "か?" at the end of the sentence. It is not necessary to add a "?", But I recommend adding it to make it easier to understand that it is a question senten...